Come discover.                                                          “Therapy with Luna is not your average therapy.”  – Belle

Angela Luna smiling in the fields

Hi! I’m Luna.

I’m glad you’re here!

I recognize the courage it takes to seek a deeper, more loving connection all parts of yourself, and I’m honored to support you. You may know the weight of childhood trauma, the anxiety, the people-pleasing, and the over-thinking that clouds the mind. These struggles are real and valid. Childhood trauma affects your sense of self, relationships, and your physical well-being, leaving you feeling overburdened.

Healing requires courage, curiosity, and a willingness to care for all parts of yourself. I will go deep with you, holding you with care, compassion, and a spirit of play and humor.

I’ve had the privilege of helping many beautiful souls break free from the weight of trauma and thrive. I see myself not just as a therapist but as a co-creator with you on your path. My deepest calling is to reduce suffering and help you reconnect with your essence of light.

Growing up in a big, loving Mexican family with an amazing single mother, I learned the power of resilience and determination.

I was a sensitive, creative kid with ADHD, who struggled with my own anxious attachment and fear of abandonment after my parents’ tumultuous divorce at the age of five. These challenges led me on a journey.

Over the years, I traveled, studied with spiritual teachers, built communities, and expressed myself through dance, music and art. Through these adventures of the spirit, I found my place within. I believe and know that healing is an adventure of the heart coming home to itself.

My journey has shown me that our darkest moments can be transformed into sources of light and wisdom. I know that the same is true for you – that your experiences can be transformed into wisdom, strength and beauty.


(Photos top: Baby me & sister raised by loving single mama & Mexican familia! Bottom: Grandparent’s passport photo in the 1920s, ages 13 and 15,  immigrating from Mexico.)

As a LatinX trauma expert with 15 years in the field, I have been called to walk alongside beautiful souls like you as you find you way back to your home within. I’ve dedicated myself to this work, drawing on a rich background that includes over two decades of mindfulness study, extensive experience in expressive arts therapy, and advanced training in EMDR, IFS/parts work, somatic therapy, Brainspotting and nature therapy.

As a trauma expert with over 15 years of experience, you can trust in my professional capacity and deep commitment to your healing.

I have worn many hats, including family and child therapist in school based settings, manager and supervisor at the Alameda County Trauma Recovery Center and didactic trainer for La Familia Counseling Center. My expertise also includes:

  • Creating engaging educational videos for 10 years, making learning accessible and fun.
  • Developing music programs for schools, fostering creativity and self-expression.
  • Designing a video production program for elementary school kids, culminating in a festive Film Festival.
  • Helping to establishing the Expressive Arts Therapy program at Contra Costa Hospital, providing innovative trauma support.
  • Co-authoring the book Latina Power.
  • Developing online courses on Soul Restore and trauma-informed mindfulness.
  • Delivering extensive trainings (over 50!) in various settings, equipping professionals such as school staff, attorneys, law enforcement, hospital staff, clergy, therapist trainees, and many others with valuable skills and knowledge on topics from trauma/CPTSD to expressive arts therapy and more (see resume)
  • Creating a comprehensive card deck and journal, a culmination of my life’s work, making accessible the wisdom and tools I’ve gathered to support healing for all. 

You can see my full credentials HERE.


We’re a good fit if you:

» Have tried talk therapy and are looking for something deeper that goes beyond what words alone can offer.

» Are drawn to explore past hurts and discover deep healing through creative expression.

» Desire a therapeutic journey that blends emotional depth and the joy of playful exploration.

» Feel ready to know, nurture, and heal your inner child in a way you never thought possible up til now.

» Seek a balanced approach that integrates neuroscientific techniques such as EMDR and Brainspotting.

» Value a holistic approach that considers the whole person in the healing process.

» Want to grow in authentic self-love to become your own best friend.

In my day-to-day life, I find joy in designing beautiful spaces, tending to my plants, and walking my dogs—there’s nothing quite like the smile of a happy dog running with the sun reflecting on it’s face. I also love getting silly with my husband and connecting with friends and family. These moments of connection and joy fuel my spirit and keep me grounded in the simple pleasures of life.

Healing is not a solo endeavor; it’s a co-creation, a dance between two people exploring the depths of the human experience.

I approach your healing as a shared journey. Together, we can dance, co-create and uncover the inherent wisdom that has always been within you. Our connection can be a catalyst for your return home to yourself.

With so much love and care, Luna

Angela Luna, J.,D., LMFT #86029