
Responding to Triggers with Self-Love & Compassion

Responding to Triggers with Self-Love & Compassion

I want to share with you a practice that holds a special place in my heart. It’s a tender yet powerful way to befriend and care for yourself during those moments when you're triggered, struggling, or simply in need of some grounding and self-care. It’s a compass for...

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How Mindfulness Can Help You Cope with Trauma

How Mindfulness Can Help You Cope with Trauma

In a world full already strife with uncertainty, and emotional turmoil, dealing with trauma can take an additional toll on our mental and emotional health. It's common to get caught up replaying traumatic events in our heads, feeling anxious and scared, or struggling...

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What You May Not Know About Mindful Breathing

What You May Not Know About Mindful Breathing

Our breath. It’s something we often take for granted. Yet, our breath is our most sacred commodity.  I once took a wilderness survival class where I learned about the “rule of three”. The rule of three states that you can survive for three minutes without air, three...

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3 Ways Nature Can Help to Calm Worry and Anxiety

3 Ways Nature Can Help to Calm Worry and Anxiety

In our current environment of uncertainty and division, it’s no surprise if you are feeling anxious about life. Yet, it's all too easy to get caught up in anxious thoughts, worrying about the future, and living out worst-case scenarios in your head. The good news is,...

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Best Mindfulness App Ever!

Best Mindfulness App Ever!

Lately, I have been feeling passionate about a few mindfulness apps that have worked wonders in my therapy practice. I want to share with you the top app I use in my practice with adults and teens alike. It is easy, accessible, and fun to use! The name of the app is...

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